What is RM Jobs all about?

RM Jobs is all about helping you get through college with no student debt. Landing one of our high-paying seasonal jobs is a great way to get through school debt-free.

Do you only offer seasonal jobs?

Yes. RM Jobs wants to help you earn $20,000 during your break from school so you can avoid taking out student loans and/or working part-time while school is in session.

What type of work will I be doing?

Our highest paid job candidates sell pest control services door-to-door. The work is difficult but highly rewarding.

Do you have jobs available in Utah and Idaho?

No. Utah and Idaho do not have the economic strength that can be found in many other states. Students have found it much easier to make $20,000 during a 16-week work period somewhere other than Utah and Idaho.

Will I have to relocate to get a job?

It depends on where you are living now and where you are assigned to go to earn your $20,000. Moving to a big city to fulfill your work contract may be worth it, especially if RM Jobs helps pay for your travel expenses.

Where will I live during the work season?

If you are single, you will live in company housing with other students who have been placed to work through RM Jobs. If you are married you will be responsible for your own housing, although RM Jobs will help you locate housing in the city you are assigned to work in.

Do I have to worry about transportation on the job?

Not usually. If you live in company housing, transportation will be provided, but you are welcome to bring your own vehicle if you choose.

What's a typical working day like?

You can expect to report to your local office each day just before 12 o' clock for a training session. At the end of each session, you will receive your work assignment from your team leader. A team lunch then follows. After lunch, you will travel with your team to your residential work location where you are expected to work until sundown.

Are the jobs commission-based?

Yes they are. Our agency specializes in direct sales placements. In sales, being paid on commission gives you full control over your paycheck while taking away the glass-ceiling effect as you receive a share of all the business you bring in to the company.

Will I be trained?

Yes. As a hand-picked employee, you will receive training before your work contract starts. You can also expect to receive ongoing training throughout your work period. All the training you receive is customized to help you achieve your goals.

What are the dates of your seasonal work program?

Our traditional work programs begin in May or June and will go until the middle or end of August. Alternative work programs are also available starting in January and again in September.

How much will I earn?

The typical payout in our pest control sales division is slightly under $1,200 for each full week of work.

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